
Back in January I made a decision to quit and leave the base here in Adelaide, but it felt far too much like quitting and that feeling gave way to other doubts. So I took a day, went to Port Adelaide, and spent the day in prayer hoping to leave with my answer of whether I should stay or go. I didn't get my answer that day, in fact I left that place more confused than when I came. God gave me 2 physical pictures that made no sense to me, at the time, until He gave me the interpretation about 2 weeks ago.

The first picture happened while I was at a coffee shop there in Port. I had been there for some time journaling, praying, and reading the Bible. I went to go take one of the last sips of my coffee when I felt the Lord say, "Leave it there. It's not yours to finish." I thought to myself, "I paid for that drink. I'm gonna finish it." But as I lifted the glass to my lips I felt a stern "No!" in my spirit. So I put the glass down and left the coffee shop with an unfinished coffee still on the table. Confused.

After that I walked around Port for a bit and then felt that I should go to the lighthouse to wait for my answer from God. I waited...and waited...I think I stayed at that lighthouse for around 4 hours and...nothing. I wanted to stay until I got what I came for, but it was getting late and Port Adelaide is not the safest place to be after dark so I left feeling defeated without an answer.

I journaled the 2 down in hopes that God would bring clarity and He did...4 months later. April 25 I woke up and in my time with God I journaled, "I'm going to praise you as if I've already found the lighthouse." and my mind flashed back to that day in Port; I had forgotten about it. Later that day God told me that my time in Adelaide was over and that it's not mine to go to London.

Just like the coffee, London is not mine to finish. And just like the lighthouse, I could stay and push for pride's sake but it's just not wise and, despite my determination, I know what I need to do. I may want to finish what I think I've paid for with sacrifice and time, but God's drawn a different line in the sand marking where I finish and it's coming up soon. On June 12th my time with YWAM Southlands Adelaide will come to a close.

In January I was quitting, but this time around God's told me when to finish and when that plane lifts off the ground I will have finished.

Thank you for your support...but I'm not done yet.