My Direction

Today is August 1st, marking the end of my sabbatical and the beginning of something new. July was decided to be my month off where I was forbidden to work, research about work, research for work, all, and forbidden to worry. I was on rest arrest. At first it was hard, harder than I'd like to admit, but the difficulty only affirmed its necessity. I can't say that I'm cured of my Martha-like mannerisms, but I can say that I've calmed down enough to enjoy my current calling at His feet and that I'm starting to understand what that means. I would say that I'm working it out, but it's more like He's working it out. Sometimes it's hard to know whether we are being fashioned into Paradise or whether Paradise is being fashioned into for thought.

Here's an example of how He's working things out: While I was on vacation with my mom and sister I got a call about a job, when I wasn't even looking for one yet, and it's the best job I could've asked for. I get to nanny for my two baby cousins Grayson and Jackson. So go ahead and cross that off the list before I even get to making one! God is so good.

So what are your plans? It's that question everyone hates, but everyone loves asking; we just can't help ourselves.

Well here's my biggest goal for this season: To learn what it means and how to have a No Worries Lifestyle; to truly live Philippians 4:6-7 which says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I'm going to work, I'm going to volunteer, I'm going to get involved, I'm going to pray about what's next, I'm going to create things, but in all things I will not worry about it. I know He'll reveal it in good time, even if I'm not yet looking for it.

The Scripture God has given me for this season is Isaiah 30:15- "...In returning and rest shall you be saved, in quietness and trust shall be your strength." This is my direction. The covering and the foundation for everything I do in this season. Feel free to keep me in check and in your prayers.

Blessings! And worries.