Prayer Week Design
This week coming up we are doing a week of prayer to cover our staff team for the new year of work, life, and ministry ahead with a real focus on encouragement.
For the week there are 19 cardboard frames on the wall, all unique and different, for our 19 staff. Everyday there's a different task for the one praying with different directions on things to write in the person's frame. At the end of the week, these frames will be given to each staff member to remind them of what God was speaking about them during this week.
One thing that God has really been speaking to me about is creativity's relationship to inspiration. If you look at the things that are trending right now, such as pintrest, instagram, twitter, etc, you will see that people are searching for inspiration; we want to believe that we have things worth sharing and spreading, we just need a little spark sometimes. So if we, who are in positions of influence, can angle our creativity to inspire then imagine the magnificence that would unfold as a result. I think it's time to get more creative in how we do things because it's not tradition that puts us to sleep, it's monotony.
If you would like to recreate this in your own home, church, small group, or work place; GO FOR IT!