Just a Lil' Update

 Sunday in Chiang Mai we met up with a woman who was on last year's JDTS in Auckland; she is Thai and lives in Chiang Mai. She is married to a pastor of an Akha (hilltribe in Thailand) church and that's where we went on Sunday. Rachel shared a testimony, I sang a song, and we all helped out with kids church. We were blessed and spoiled by this woman and it was really cool to meet someone who not only has been on the school but who is really living this life of biblical justice.
   At 11pm we bussed out of Chiang Mai down to Bangkok, where I am now. We got here on Monday morning and Josie left us to head over to Auckland that afternoon. So now we're in Bangkok for some R&R until we leave on Thursday for New Zealand. We'll be there for 2 weeks and then it's back to America for a little visit then back to New Zealand :-) That's all for now

I told you it was little