Chiang Mai- Welcome of All Welcomes
We made it safely to Chiang Mai!!!! We're all very hesitant to say it but there's no hiding our love for this place! Many times we jokingly say, "Why didn't we come here in the first place?" But we all know in our heart that going to Phuket was necessary and that it was not in vain.
We had our orientation today and what a welcome we received! We met with the founder of Lighthouse in Action ministry, her name is Emmi, and she just began to unfold this great testimony of what an answer to prayer we are. She said that they have been praying for God to send help because the teams that had been helping out in the coffee shop were leaving and they had no one scheduled to come and take their place. One night she had a dream that a team of 8 people contacted her randomly and said they were coming to help; she told her sister about it and they both agreed that this definitely wasn't about any YWAM team because YWAM outreaches book months in advance; but 3 days later she got an email from Josie saying we want to come and work. HOW COOL IS THAT?! So Emmi is dead set that we're supposed to be here and there's no doubt in our minds that she's 100% correct. She met us all and heard our giftings and that got her even more excited. Seems like we all have skills that fill a specific need that she has...incredible how God works! We all were holding back the tears while we talked to her and we all left the meeting and voiced how we just wanted to cry; we were so overwhelmed by the Lord's faithfulness and seeing our purpose here.
She wants us helping out in the coffee shop and just making it an atmosphere where people feel welcomed and loved. So whenever we meet people we can invite them to come hang out at Wongen Kafe and just build a relationship with them and love on them. Which we're all incredibly ready for. A lot of times we felt limited to really open up about Jesus because relations between SHE and the bars were so sensitive; but now we're not having to push for a ministry and we just get to love on people, be Jesus to them, and build relationships which is what we all have been aching to do. And every night a team will go out to the red light district and meet girls in the bars and build relationships, love on them, and be Jesus. You guys don't even know what a huge sigh of relief this is for us!!!
We went out tonight to the bars to get an idea of what it's like and it's so tame compared to anything we've seen or experienced but I feel like all that we've been through has really prepared us for this ministry. We're all super excited and ready to work. As of now it looks like we'll be doing about 42hours a week of ministry but we're so ready to dive in and do it.
Nyquill is starting to kick in (I have a sinus cold thing) so I'm going to give into it :) Goodnight. More to come soon
We had our orientation today and what a welcome we received! We met with the founder of Lighthouse in Action ministry, her name is Emmi, and she just began to unfold this great testimony of what an answer to prayer we are. She said that they have been praying for God to send help because the teams that had been helping out in the coffee shop were leaving and they had no one scheduled to come and take their place. One night she had a dream that a team of 8 people contacted her randomly and said they were coming to help; she told her sister about it and they both agreed that this definitely wasn't about any YWAM team because YWAM outreaches book months in advance; but 3 days later she got an email from Josie saying we want to come and work. HOW COOL IS THAT?! So Emmi is dead set that we're supposed to be here and there's no doubt in our minds that she's 100% correct. She met us all and heard our giftings and that got her even more excited. Seems like we all have skills that fill a specific need that she has...incredible how God works! We all were holding back the tears while we talked to her and we all left the meeting and voiced how we just wanted to cry; we were so overwhelmed by the Lord's faithfulness and seeing our purpose here.
She wants us helping out in the coffee shop and just making it an atmosphere where people feel welcomed and loved. So whenever we meet people we can invite them to come hang out at Wongen Kafe and just build a relationship with them and love on them. Which we're all incredibly ready for. A lot of times we felt limited to really open up about Jesus because relations between SHE and the bars were so sensitive; but now we're not having to push for a ministry and we just get to love on people, be Jesus to them, and build relationships which is what we all have been aching to do. And every night a team will go out to the red light district and meet girls in the bars and build relationships, love on them, and be Jesus. You guys don't even know what a huge sigh of relief this is for us!!!
We went out tonight to the bars to get an idea of what it's like and it's so tame compared to anything we've seen or experienced but I feel like all that we've been through has really prepared us for this ministry. We're all super excited and ready to work. As of now it looks like we'll be doing about 42hours a week of ministry but we're so ready to dive in and do it.
Nyquill is starting to kick in (I have a sinus cold thing) so I'm going to give into it :) Goodnight. More to come soon