gotta keep walking |
I have been praying since before I left for New Zealand about possibly staffing; well I've finally felt the peace of the Lord and I've told Josie (school leader) that I want to staff. I've fallen totally in love with YWAM and especially with this Justice DTS. God's been asking me what I want to do and my response has been that I want to staff but I've been waiting until I felt sure that it was what He wanted too before I made any step in that direction. And finally that peace that follows me with every major decision, has come. Josie and I have talked and there's a whole application process and I'll have to go through staff training and all that but I'm so excited and I'm so at peace about staffing with YWAM Auckland Central!
So here's my call to you all: please pray about becoming a full-time supporter. If you can only give a little bit here or there or maybe just even a one time gift- it's all welcomed and deeply appreciated. God will provide.
Thanks for getting me here guys and I look forward to the partnerships of the Kingdom that await and for what God has in store for both you and I.