I'm going to Thailand! I know what you're thinking, "What happened to India?" Well I did always say that it was just an option, an option that I wanted to go to but it was subject to change and so it did. I was given 3 outreach options: South Africa, Middle East (which might be Israel or Jordan), and a Wild Card which could be Thailand or Vanuatu. South Africa and Thailand were the only two that would be dealing with human trafficking and because of that those two appealed to me most.
     I was freaking out because we only had a short amount of time to process and decide where we wanted to go. We had to give our top two options and list why for each destination. After a lot of prayer, thinking, listening, and seeking counsel I decided to put Thailand as my 1st option and South Africa as my second. I put Thailand first because 1) I felt the Lord was leading me there 2) the more research I did for Thailand the more I didn't want to go to South Africa 3) There is some history in my family with Thailand; my grandfather (on my mother's side), after he and my grandmother divorced, lived in Thailand for a while and actually married a Thai woman. So those, amongst other reasons, were why Thailand. And now I'm on Team Thailand!!
     What I'll be doing in Thailand is still unsure because it hasn't been planned yet :-). One of the cool things about this trip is that we'll have a lot of influence as to what we do and where we go. We'll be doing a lot of pioneering, that's for sure. Very excited. My teammates are: Becca, Sam, Robert, Rachel, Amy, Lauren and our team leader Josie.
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Ok something about what's to come; this Friday we are leaving to go spend the weekend at a Maori Village (Tauranga) we're going to be staying there in a Maori house and getting an official Maori welcome. Maybe we'll learn the haka! Then we'll be staying somewhere around there at another ywam base to hear from a speaker and we'll be there till Wednesday. I'm excited to spend a couple days out of the city. It's gonna be a ton of fun.

This week our guest speaker is from another dts in NZ, Josh Menning. He's teaching us a lot of theology; it's been really good; a lot of information. But so so good.

Hmmmm what else to tell....... Oh Sunday I got the great privilege to take a lady who was begging on the streets to lunch. She's a schizophrenic and was very open about it. So I really hope to keep seeing her and keep building a relationship.

Anyway it's kinda late and this blog is kinda long. But some prayer requests I'd like to list for myself are:
-Pray for me and my family; I'm starting to get rather homesick
-Pray for unity within the team; the honeymoon phase is over lol
-Pray for guidance

Thanks so much; that's all for now. Much love and Blessings